The 46th Anniversary of Aerowisata

July 10, 2019
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Jakarta, July 3, 2019 – Aerowisata celebrates the 46th of Anniversary every June 30 and was commemorated on July 3, 2019. The event was held modestly, attended by Directors, management and Aerowisata employees, as well as representatives of the Board of Aerowisata line of business at Aerowisata building with togetherness and joyful moment.

In his speech, Mr Bambang Sujatmiko as Aerowisata’s Director stated that Aerowisata always aware of carrying out its business with accurate calculations, especially in business situations in general which required efficiency and effectiveness in each decision and implementation conducted. For this reason, all Aerowisata employees must be able to dynamically follow any adjustments made.

In addition, he also conveyed the program carried out by Aerowisata including collaborating with PT Garuda Maintenance Facility
Aero Asia Tbk (GMF), forming a new business entity with PT Citilink Indonesia and other cooperation as a business synergy of Garuda Indonesia Group in supporting the advancement of Indonesian tourism.

The celebration was marked by the blowing of candles and cutting the birthday cake by the Director and the management. The event wrapped up with a photo session and luncheon. Happy 46th-anniversary Aerowisata, wish much happiness and prosperous for more years to come.


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